Indirect Fire

Some weapons lob their attacks, so they do not require LOS for targeting (See Rule 12). Instead a unit selects a target area within the weapon's maximum range as indicated by its stats (See Weapons). These weapons generally cause area of effect damage, which is also included in the weapon's stats.

If a unit fails their Instinct Check (See Rule7) when firing an indirect fire weapon, the weapon misses its target and drifts and hits a different target. To determine this. roll a d5 failure die (either a d10 with 1-5 twice or roll a d10, divide by 2, ignore the remainder). Instead of hitting the target, the weapon hits the area indicated by the failure die. You want to roll this on the board close to the target area. Whichever direction the die points is the direction that the projectile drifted, and the number from the roll is the number of hexes that the projectile drifts.

If another unit has LOS and can spot (See Rule 16 - Spotting) the target area, an indirect fire weapon automatically hits without an Instinct Check.

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