Size of Force

Disrupter is designed for Platoon scale encounters. However, nothing is stopping you from scaling up or down your Size of Force.

Enlarging Teams

You can enlarge the team size to five soldiers instead of four to increase the number of troops without increasing the number of teams that you need to track.


You can scale down the Size of Force to a single Squad. For this, you would want to limit each person to five Teams or Vehicles. You would also want to require there to be an Officer in every Team or Vehicle except for Bot only Teams and Vehicle crews. At the Squad level, Command is not nearly as important, each Team has a lot more autonomy.

This is best suited for a 12"x12", 18"x18", or 24"x24" Board.

[streamline] Squad Scale with [streamline] rules on a small Board is a fast-paced game that's a lot of fun for people new to wargames

[mothership] A Squad Scale 1v2+ game best represents how the game could look incorporated into your Mothership campaign. Each Team would consist of a PC and 3 Contractors.


Split each Squad up into 2 Sections of 2-3 Teams or Vehicles each, for a total of 4-6 Teams or Vehicles per Squad instead of the default 3. Each section must have their own NCO. This is the recommended method of play for if you are playing with multiple co-operative players on either side of the board. This gives each NCO a full Chain of Command to manage themselves, so everyone gets the full experience. You can generally have one person assume the role of the CO and one NCO for the purpose of this Scale of Force. It's also a way to increase Platoon size without doubling or tripling the number of units like moving up to Company Scale.

This is best suited for a 36"x36" or 48"x48" Board.

[mothership] You can also move to a Section Scale where each of your PCs is an Officer Commanding a Section. Each PC would be controlling themself and giving verbal orders to a Squad of 2-3 Teams of Soldiers or Bots. Each Section would consist of a PC in a team with 3 Contractors and 2-3 more Teams consisting of 4 Contractors each.


A Company consists of 2-3 Platoons. Each Platoon has its own NCO, fulfilling the same role as a CO in a Platoon Scale game. The CO is now the Platoon Commander. The orders they give are even broader than those of a Platoon CO. This can be a great way to play co-operatively if everyone is experienced running a full platoon themselves.

This is best suited for a 48"x48" or larger Board.

[streamline] If you like the idea of larger scale play, the [streamline] rules are a great way to do so without getting bogged down in minutiae.

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