Vehicle Rules

Infantry are locked in hex based combat while Vehicles wrecklessly move around them using Gaslands Movement Templates. This gives the game a very Halo feel. Vehicles are not based unless they are flying Vehicles.

The only Vehicle currently in the game is an Inflatable Boat, and it mostly operates like an Infantry Unit (See Vehicle Specifications).


Vehicles do not move on the hex grid, they move using Movement Templates for measurement. For Movement Templates, you should use a set of Gaslands (by Mike Hutchinson) Movement Templates shrunk to 50% scale. This is what people use when playing Micro Gaslands.

Each Movement Template is assigned a Movement Cost. The Cost of each Template is the highest gear at which the Template is listed as being usable.

During each Movement phase, a Vehicle may move as far as they want as long as the total Template cost is equal to or less than their Movement Stat (See Rule 6 and Vehicles). The Driver of the Vehicle is the Crew Member with the highest Instinct Stat (See Rule 6 and Vehicles). Before moving, the Driver must place a Movement Template, once a player has touched a Movement Template, they must play it. The Movement Template can be placed with either side up. The Driver must then make an Instinct Check (See Rule 7) or else the vehicle Slides. When a Vehicle Slides, you place the Slide Template into the notch on the Movement Template, and the Vehicle moves to the space on the Slide Template rather than making a Successful Movement Action.

[streamline] All Vehicle Movement Actions are automatically Successful. Vehicles do not Slide.

Line of Sight

Line of sight is more complex than for Infantry Stands. Each Firing Unit or Weapon must be able to reasonably rotate and aim to shoot at a target during a Firing attempt. This is different for each Firing Unit in each Vehicle and for each Vehicle's Weapons, so this rule is purposefully fuzzy.

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